simiz fashion

From lohn system to FOB and even to its own clothing collection

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English version:

Vrancea county is recognized for the tradition in the production of garments and also the company Simiz Fashion, from Focsani, which has over 20 years experience in the field, being specialized in the manufacture of coats and jackets – very complex products, which go through more. many steps until you reach the shop windows. If at the beginning, the company worked in a lohn regime, so it only provides labor, meanwhile it was passed to the FOB, which also involves the acquisition of raw materials (the most expensive part of the activity), customer relations and product development. Simiz Fashion has modern manufacturing technology, including automatic equipment, dealing with in-house storage and value-added services, to better control the processes, and for the transport of raw materials and then for the distribution of garments, they call on specialized companies, to whom It provides a total of about 300 races per year.

The family-owned company Simiz Fashion, led by Silviu Simiz, was founded in 2014, following the break-up of Pandora Prod, and has grown gradually, starting from 200 employees and reaching 650 today.
As the company manager says, the clothing market in Romania has changed over the last five years, meaning that volumes have a slight increase, sometimes a stagnation, “but it also depends on the clients’ niche. We, as a size, are a top company, with 10 manufacturing lines, with a volume starting from 40,000-45,000 units produced monthly, and we intend to maintain in 2019 the level of the previous year. ”

The training of the employees is done mainly in the factory
Currently, there are no schools to train workers for the garment industry and, moreover, it seems that people tend to flee this area, although the work is not dangerous. Thus, Simiz Fashion has experienced employees, given the tradition of clothing in Vrancea, but also employees who have not previously worked in the field, but were trained in-house and initially worked in areas where the influence on the final product was less, after which they have reached the execution of higher phases with cars or in other departments, such as the technical one, depending on the availability of each one to grow and learn.

The factory also has automatic equipment, especially for cutting – it is also hand-cut, but when it comes to smaller parts, it requires special attention.
Simiz Fashion also has four local subcontractors who work in the lohn system and to whom they provide the materials and patterns, processed, and they deal with effective sewing, ironing, packaging, the final quality control being carried out by Simiz Fashion. As for washing and dyeing, they are done in collaboration with Ready Garment Technology (RGT), at Sfantu Gheorghe.

Fabrics usually come from Europe, and accessories from Asia
When the client places a model it also offers information about what raw material to buy – what type and color of fabrics, what kind of zipper, buttons or label – and provides the template and a sketch after which the product is developed, and again from this moment until the clothes arrive in stores usually take 20-23 weeks. The fabrics, which are generally not in stock, and their production lasts 9-10 weeks, before delivery, they must always be approved by the customer, who will be sent samples, during the sampling stage, along with comments related to the sewing method, its packaging and, if modifications, improvements on the product are necessary, the process is resumed until the final ok for entry into production is obtained, as explained by Laura Neghina, Customs & Trade Compliance Manager at Simiz Fashion.

The raw material suppliers are chosen in 90% of the client cases, and the negotiations are carried out in three, with the participation of the garment manufacturer. The fabrics and linings are mainly from Italy, Spain and Portugal, but sometimes from Japan or China, and the accessories can come from both Europe, and Japan, Hong Kong or China. The only domestic producers in the field are those of yarn and elastic, but there are also few, most of them importing from China.

The transport from Asia can be maritime, and lasts 5-6 weeks, or, in case of emergencies, by air, by fast couriers who, if they do not have activity in the area, subcontract. The quantities are usually small, from 10 boxes of 60x40x40 cm up to a few pallets of fabrics, and the goods in containers are taken over by Simiz Fashion either from Constanta, with their own vat or from Otopeni, if redirection is made and from there it is brought to the factory in its own vat or with a carrier that delivers finished products Simiz Fashion in Bucharest. The variant through Otopeni is more advantageous because the redirection costs little, the customs procedures are simpler than in port, and for the company it is a lower cost than taking over from Constanta port.

Working for about 300 trucks / year

The supply of raw materials from Europe is mainly done by road, and only in case of emergencies by air. The import-export department within Simiz Fashion receives the request regarding the goods and the quantity that is needed, and this one, depending on the budget and urgency, contacts the carriers, companies in Romania or local branches of some multinationals, with which there are long-term collaborations, who have semi-trailers or combs with honeycombs, for garments on hangers, and who know from previous collaborations the details about taking over – who is the supplier, how the goods are packed, how many rolls are, how much they weigh. – which makes the flow very fast.

The choice of carriers is based on costs and transit times, and sometimes the same companies also load the finished products and distribute them in Europe. Regarding the tariffs, Laura Neghina believes that during the last four years there have been no significant variations, although some costs of the operators have increased, following the negotiations reaching favorable values ​​for both parties. In addition, large carriers usually keep their rates, to keep their customers, and do not require renegotiations every time certain costs increase. In contrast, in air transport the situation is different and the costs have increased lately.

For the transport of the confections there are collaborations with Eltra Logis and Ma.Ra Logistic, which have well-marked areas and for the purchase of raw materials, and for deliveries of finished products, and that use trucks of 20 t or smaller vans, depending on the quantity ordered . In addition, there are cases where customers have their operators, globally approved.

The products that come out the door of the Focsani factory reach mainly Spain, Germany and France, but also the USA and Canada. Some customers receive the goods at a central warehouse and redistribute them, while for others the delivery is made directly to the countries where they will be sold.

About 150 trucks with raw materials and packaging arrive in the factory, and almost all of them transport the garments to the final customer, given that the average capacity of a semi-trailer, depending on the type of product, is 4,000 items.

High speed of rotation of stocks in warehouses
The company has two stores for fabrics and accessories, and at their reception it is known for what customer and for what model they are, the registration in the computer system and the departure on the production line being realized by reading the bar codes.
Given the relatively long duration from the order to the delivery of the raw material, it stays very little in the warehouse, a few days, at most a week. The warehouses have a total area of ​​1,000 m2 and it is not necessary to comply with certain temperature conditions, but for the environment to be optimal there should be no moisture. The fabric rolls are stored in racks on levels, and the boxes are kept on pallets.
Regarding the finished products, they are stored in another building, 700 m2, where two handlers and a warehouse manager work. The goods do not stay here for only a few days, at most a week, there are also cases when from the production line it reaches directly in trucks.

Simiz Fashion has an integrated management system ISO 9001, a quality and responsibility system regarding the environment through the implementation of the ISO 14001 standard, and a whole system of procedures and working methods, from procurement to storage and delivery, as well as instructions. workspaces displayed in each area, including how the merchandise is stored.
In the warehouse of finished products, separate from the first two stores, bar code readers are not used, because filters are not as diverse and difficult to apply as accessories.
The storage is done using several filters, the most important of which is the customer, followed by the model, size and country of destination – there can be up to 17 different destinations where the clothes must be delivered, so labeling is made for each country. And if it is delivered for two customers to the same destination, the same truck is used and the loading is done on sizes, from the largest to the smallest or vice versa, never mixed.
As stated by company representatives, Simiz Fashion did not receive proposals from logistics operators to outsource warehousing and value-added services, and anyway “it is better when we control the whole process, this guarantees quality”.

Inais’s own collection, at the beginning of the journey
Simiz Fashion products are not sold on the Romanian market, but the company also has its own collection, Inais, made in collaboration with the designer Ina Isbasescu and available online.
As appreciated by the company’s representatives, the Romanian clothing market has registered a slight increase, and lately a stagnation, “but the quality ensures orders and, depending on the type of customers they are targeting, any manufacturer will find its place on the market. As for us, the Inais collection addresses the middle segment, but also a certain style of clothing. ”
Sales are made in Focsani’s own stores, and in the future it is planned to open a showroom in Bucharest – which is estimated to bring a 25% increase in volumes. 80% of sales are made online, in which case it was necessary to implement an efficient quality management and control system and to hire a person dedicated to the project, paying attention to customers. The delivery is made in Romania through Fan Courier, and abroad (because 10% of the deliveries are external) through DHL, in about five days from placing the order.
And when opportunities and sales channels are found, Inais collection will be available in stores abroad.

Romanian version:

Judetul Vrancea este recunoscut pentru traditia in productia de confectii si la fel si firma Simiz Fashion, din Focsani, care are o experienta de peste 20 de ani in domeniu, fiind specializata in fabricarea de paltoane si jachete – produse foarte complexe, care trec prin mai multi pasi pana ajung in vitrinele magazinelor. Daca la inceputurile sale firma lucra in regim lohn, deci asigura doar manopera, intre timp s-a trecut la FOB, care presupune si achizitia de materie prima (partea cea mai costisitoare a activitatii), relatia cu clientii si dezvoltarea produselor. Simiz Fashion dispune de tehnologie moderna de fabricatie, inclusiv echipamente automate, se ocupa in-house de depozitare si servicii cu valoare adaugata, pentru a controla mai bine procesele, iar pentru transportul materiei prime si apoi pentru distributia confectiilor apeleaza la firme specializate, carora le asigura in total circa 300 de curse pe an.

Firma de familie Simiz Fashion, condusa de Silviu Simiz, a fost fondata in 2014, in urma desprinderii din Pandora Prod, si a crescut treptat, pornind de la 200 de angati si ajungand la 650 in prezent.
Asa cum declara managerul firmei, piata de confectii din Romania s-a schimbat in ultimii cinci ani, in sensul ca volumele au o usoara crestere, uneori o stagnare, „dar depinde si de nisa de clienti. Noi ca dimensiune suntem o firma de top, cu 10 linii de fabricatie, cu un volum incepand de la 40.000-45.000 de unitati produse lunar, si ne propunem ca in 2019 sa ne mentinem la nivelul anului anterior.“

Pregatirea angajatilor se face mai ales in fabrica

In prezent nu mai exista scoli care sa formeze muncitori pentru industria de confectii si, in plus, se pare ca oamenii au tendinta sa fuga de acest domeniu, desi munca nu este una periculoasa. Astfel ca Simiz Fashion are si angajati cu experienta, data fiind traditia confectiilor in Vrancea, dar si angajati care nu au lucrat anterior in domeniu, ci au fost pregatiti in-house si au lucrat initial in zone unde influenta asupra produsului final era mai mica, dupa care au ajuns la executia unor faze superioare cu masini sau in alte departamente, precum cel tehnic, in functie de disponibilitatea fiecaruia de a creste si de a invata.
Fabrica dispune si de echipamente automate, mai ales pentru croit – se croieste si manual, dar cand este vorba de piese mai mici, ce necesita o atentie deosebita.
Simiz Fashion are si patru subcontractori locali care lucreaza in sistem lohn si carora le pune la dispozitie materialele si tiparele, prelucrate, iar ei se ocupa de coasere efectiva, calcat, ambalat, controlul de calitate final fiind realizat tot de Simiz Fashion.
In ceea ce priveste spalarea si vopsirea, ele se fac in colaborare cu Ready Garment Technology (RGT), la Sfantu Gheorghe.

Tesaturile provin de obicei din Europa, iar accesoriile si din Asia

Cand clientul plaseaza un model ofera si informatii despre ce materie prima trebuie achizitionata – ce tip si ce culoare de tesaturi, ce fel de fermoar, de nasturi sau de eticheta – si pune la dispozitie inclusiv tiparul si o schita dupa care se dezvolta produsul, iar din acest moment pana cand hainele ajung in magazine trec de obicei 20-23 de saptamani. Tesaturile, care in general nu se gasesc pe stoc, si producerea lor dureaza 9-10 saptamani, inainte de livrare totdeauna trebuie aprobate final de client, caruia i se trimit mostre, in cadrul etapei de mostrare, alaturi de comentarii legate de modalitatea de coasere, de ambalare s.a. Si, daca sunt necesare modificari, imbunatatiri asupra produsului, se reia procesul pana se obtine ok-ul final pentru intrarea in productie, asa cum explica Laura Neghina, Customs & Trade Compliance Manager in cadrul Simiz Fashion.
Furnizorii de materie prima sunt alesi in 90% din cazuri de client, iar negocierile se poarta in trei, cu participarea producatorului de confectii. Tesaturile si captuselile se aduc mai ales din Italia, Spania si Portugalia, dar uneori si din Japonia sau China, iar accesoriile pot proveni atat din Europa, cat si din Japonia, Hong-Kong sau China. Singurii producatori autohtoni din domeniu sunt cei de ata si elastic, dar si acestia sunt putini, majoritatea importand din China.
Transportul din Asia poate fi maritim, si dureaza 5-6 saptamani, sau, in caz de urgente, aerian, prin curieri rapizi care, daca nu au activitate in zona, subcontracteaza. Cantitatile sunt de obicei mici, de la 10 cutii de 60x40x40 cm pana la cativa paleti de tesaturi, iar marfa in containere este preluata de Simiz Fashion fie din Constanta, cu duba proprie, fie din Otopeni, daca se face redirectionare, iar de acolo este adusa la fabrica in duba proprie sau cu un transportator care livreaza produse finite Simiz Fashion in Bucuresti. Varianta prin Otopeni este mai avantajoasa pentru ca redirectionarea costa putin, procedurile vamale sunt mai simple decat in port, iar pentru firma este un cost mai mic decat preluarea din portul Constanta.

De lucru pentru circa 300 de camioane/an

Aprovizionarea cu materie prima din Europa se face mai ales pe sosea, si numai in caz de urgente pe cale aeriana. Departamentul import-export din cadrul Simiz Fashion primeste solicitarea referitoare la marfa si cantitatea de care e nevoie, iar acesta, in functie de buget si de urgenta, contacteaza transportatorii, firme din Romania sau filiale locale ale unor multinationale, cu care exista colaborari indelungate, care au semiremorci sau dube cu faguri, pentru confectii pe umerase, si care stiu din colaborarile anterioare detaliile despre preluare – cine este furnizorul, cum este ambalata marfa, cate role sunt, cat cantaresc ele etc. – ceea ce face ca fluxul sa fie foarte rapid.
Alegerea transportatorilor se face in functie de costuri si timpi de tranzit, si uneori aceleasi firme incarca si produsele finite si le distribuie in Europa. In ceea ce priveste tarifele, Laura Neghina este de parere ca in ultimii patru ani nu au fost variatii semnificative, desi unele costuri ale operatorilor au crescut, in urma negocierilor ajungandu-se la valori avantajoase pentru ambele parti. In plus, transportatorii mari isi mentin de obicei tarifele, pentru a-si pastra clientii, si nu cer renegocieri de fiecare data cand cresc anumite costuri. In schimb, la transport aerian situatia este alta si costurile au crescut in ultimul timp.
Pentru transportul confectiilor exista colaborari cu Eltra Logis si Ma.Ra Logistic, care au zone bine demarcate si pentru achizitii de materie prima, si pentru livrari de produse finite, si care folosesc camioane de 20 t sau dube mai mici, in functie de cantitatea comandata. In plus, exista si cazuri in care clientii au operatorii lor, agreati la nivel global.
Produsele care ies pe poarta fabricii din Focsani ajung mai ales in Spania, Germania si Franta, dar si SUA si Canada. Unii clienti receptioneaza ei marfurile la un depozit central si le redistribuie, in timp ce pentru altii se face livrarea direct in tarile unde vor fi vandute.
In fabrica ajung anual circa 150 de camioane cu materie prima si ambalaje si cam tot atatea transporta confectiile catre clientul final, in conditiile in care capacitatea medie a unei semiremorci, in functie de tipul produsului, este de 4.000 de articole.

Viteza foarte mare de rotatie a stocurilor din depozite

Firma are doua magazii pentru tesaturi si accesorii, iar la receptionarea acestora se stie pentru ce client si pentru ce model sunt, inregistrarea in sistemul informatic si plecarea pe linia de productie realizandu-se prin citirea codurilor de bare.
Data fiind durata relativ mare de la comanda pana la livrarea materiei prime, aceasta sta foarte putin in depozit, cateva zile, cel mult o saptamana. Magaziile au in total 1.000 m2 si nu e nevoie sa respecte anumite conditii de temperatura, dar pentru ca mediul sa fie optim nu trebuie sa existe umezeala. Stocarea rolelor de tesaturi se face in racle pe niveluri, ia cutiile se pastreaza pe paleti.
In ceea ce priveste produsele finite, acestea se depoziteaza intr-o alta cladire, de 700 m2, unde lucreaza doi manipulanti si un sef de magazie. Nici aici marfa nu sta decat cateva zile, cel mult o saptamana, existand si cazuri cand de pe linia de productie ajunge direct in camioane.
Simiz Fashion are un sistem de management integrat ISO 9001, un sistem de calitate si responsabilitate cu privire la mediu prin implementarea standardului ISO 14001, si un intreg sistem de proceduri si modalitati de lucru, de la achizitii pana la depozitare si livrare, precum si instructiuni de lucru afisate in fiecare zona, inclusiv despre cum se stocheaza marfa.
In depozitul de produse finite, separat de primele doua magazii, nu se folosesc cititoare de coduri de bare, deoarece filtrele nu sunt atat de diverse si de greu de aplicat ca la accesorii.
Stocarea se face folosind mai multe filtre, dintre care cel mai important este clientul, urmat de model, marime si tara de destinatie – pot exista pana la 17 destinatii diferite unde trebuie livrate hainele, astfel ca se face etichetare pentru fiecare tara. Iar daca se livreaza pentru doi clienti la aceeasi destinatie se foloseste acelasi camion si incarcarea se face pe marimi, de la cele mai mari la cele mai mici sau invers, niciodata amestecat.
Asa cum declara reprezentantii companiei, Simiz Fashion nu a primit propuneri din partea operatorilor logistici sa externalizeze depozitarea si serviciile cu valoare adaugata, si oricum „este mai bine cand controlam noi intregul proces, asta garanteaza calitatea“.

Colectia proprie Inais, la inceput de drum

Produsele Simiz Fashion nu se vand pe piata din Romania, dar firma are si o colectie proprie, Inais, realizata in colaborare cu designerul Ina Isbasescu si disponibila si online.
Asa cum apreciaza reprezentantii companiei, piata romaneasca a confectiilor a inregistrat o usoara crestere, iar in ultimul timp o stagnare, „dar calitatea asigura comenzi si, in functie de tipul de clienti pe care ii vizeaza, orice producator isi va gasi locul pe piata. In ceea ce ne priveste, colectia Inais se adreseaza segmentului de mijloc, dar si unui anumit stil de vestimentatie.“
Vanzarile se fac in magazinele proprii din Focsani, iar pe viitor este vizata deschiderea unui showroom in Bucuresti – care se estimeaza sa aduca o crestere cu 25% a volumelor. 80% din vanzari se fac online, caz in care a fost nevoie de implementarea unui sistem eficient de gestiune si de control al calitatii si de angajarea unei persoane dedicate proiectului, cu atentie pentru clienti. Livrarea se face in Romania prin Fan Courier, iar in strainatate (pentru ca 10% din livrari sunt externe) prin DHL, in circa cinci zile de la plasarea comenzii.
Iar cand se vor gasi oportunitati si canale potrivite de vanzare colectia Inais va fi disponibila si in magazine din strainatate.


Articol preluat de pe : English version: Vrancea county is recognized for the tradition in the production of garments and also the company Simiz … read more

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